Winifred (Winnie) Byanyima, a grass-roots activist, human rights
advocate, senior international public servant, and world recognized
expert on women’s rights, has been appointed Executive Director of Oxfam
International – a role that provides strategic direction and
coordination for the worldwide confederation of Oxfam affiliates.
Winifred (Winnie) Byanyima
Ms Byanyima has held roles that reinforced the governance of the African
Union, and she influenced the international agenda at the United
Nations and through her leadership in many coalitions of civil society
She is recognized for extensive work in peace-building, budget and
electoral reform, and building social coalitions. And she is an
authority on the gender dimension of climate change, economic
policymaking, and social and economic equality. In her earlier career,
she founded a still-thriving NGO in Uganda and served three terms as a
member of the Ugandan parliament.
From April, Ms Byanyima will lead Oxfam International, which offers
strategic guidance, support, expertise and coordination across Oxfam.
Oxfam works with people in 94 countries to find effective ways to end
the injustice of poverty. Through its 17 affiliates, Oxfam provides
humanitarian relief in crisis, empowers poor and marginalized people to
gain social and economic equality, and campaigns for a more just world.
Ms Byanyima was selected after a global search, led by the Chair of
Oxfam International, Keith Johnston, with the help of an international
executive search firm. “In an outstanding field of candidates, Winnie
stood out as exemplifying Oxfam’s values and ambitions,” he said. “She
brings clear vision fired by her commitment to social justice, the
toughness of an able negotiator and campaigner, and leadership based on
her capacity to inspire and convene, in many circles, cultures and