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We must be defined by dignity not poverty – Kagame

President Kagame ended his Southern Province tour in the district of Nyaruguru where he addressed tens of thousands of residents and encouraged them to continue on the path to progress.
Dorocellla Muragijimana, a 12 Year old student at the Institute for Blind Children welcomes President Kagame - Southern Province 20 February, 2013
Dorocellla Muragijimana, a 12 Year old student at the Institute for Blind Children welcomes President Kagame – Southern Province 20 February, 2013
“What you have accomplished in Nyaruguru is not a gift from anyone; it is as a result of your hard work and your determination. We must begin by fighting the poverty of the mind. You must believe in your ability to better your situation. No one else but ourselves can be held responsible for solving the issues we face.”
On the issue of foreign assistance, President Kagame said:
“No one can teach the hungry or the poor how poverty or hunger feels? No one can want to change the situation more than they do. The primary responsibility to transform our nation lies with us. Foreign assistance should not be one that strips us of f our dignity. It must build on our own resources and partner with us in achieving our goals. The question is, “ are we prepared to look for answers within us and to work to achieve self reliance?”
The President had a specific message for Rwanda youth:
“You are benefiting from more than your elders ever did. It is your responsibility to shape Rwanda’s future. We believe in your ability to transform our nation.”


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