By Oscar Obonyo
KENYA: Politicians have interpreted a recent message by US President
Barack Obama to the Kenya differently, thereby creating confusion and
In the address, televised last Wednesday, Obama assured voters that the
decision of who becomes president will be made by Kenyans and reiterated
US would not support any candidate.
Jubilee Alliance led by presidential candidate Uhuru Kenyatta and
running mate William Ruto, quickly went public with their deduction.
Speaking in West Pokot County, the duo claimed the US leader had given
them the nod as suitable contenders.
The clarificaton
But it is the apparent clarification by Johnnie Carson, Obama
Administration’s top diplomat for Africa, that the people’s “choices
have consequences” has irked Uhuru’s supporters and Office of the
President officials, like Head of Civil Service, Francis Kimemia.
“They cannot say in one breath how they will respect the right of
Kenyans to freely choose their leaders and in the next they threaten
Kenyans with limited contact if Uhuru and Ruto are elected,” says former
Gatanga MP, David Murathe, a member of the Uhuru campaign.
Adds the candidate’s official spokesman, Munyori Buku: “Obama was
unequivocal that Kenyans were free to elect a leader of their choice.
But the statement coming later from a partisan assistant minister is
contradictory. And knowing how governments work, Carson cannot to be
taken seriously.”