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Gunman dead and boy hostage ALIVE after FBI agents storm bunker after 'fearing for imminent safety of Ethan'

Mugshot: Jimmy Lee Dykes, 65, the suspect in the standoff, is believed to be dead
Mugshot: Jimmy Lee Dykes, 65, the suspect in the 
standoff, is believed to be dead

FBI agents today stormed an underground bunker to rescue a five-year-old boy being held by an armed survivalist who died in the raid.
Authorities were forced to act after growing concern for the suspect’s mental state, observing him with a gun and ultimately 'fearing the child was in imminent danger,' they revealed this afternoon.
Federal agents acted swiftly after high-tech but secret video surveillance inserted into the bunker revealed that the mental state of 65-year-old Richard Lee Dykes was deteriorating rapidly.
The boy identified only as Ethan 'appears physically unharmed' and is being treated at a hospital in nearby Dothan authorities said.
The gunman, 65-year-old Jimmy Lee Dykes, is deceased - although authorities have not confirmed yet whether he was killed by law enforcement officers or took his own life.
FBI Special Agent in Charge Steve Richardson said during a news conference that negotiations had broken down and Dykes had been seen holding a gun.
Those actions forced the hand of FBI agents, who entered the bunker.
Agent Richardson said: 'At approximately 3.12pm, FBI agents safely recovered the child who was being held hostage for nearly a week.
'Within the past 24 hours negotiations deteriorated and Mr Dykes was observed holding a gun.
'At this point FBI agents fearing the child was in imminent danger entered the bunker and rescued the child.
'The child appears physically unharmed and is being treated at a local hospital. The subject is deceased.
'The resolution of the matter is a direct result of the extraordinary collaboration of law enforcement at all levels.'
CBS correspondents John Miller and Bob Orr report the FBI's Rescue Hostage Team carried out the rescue when it was clear the kidnapper's mental state was deteriorating -- and he began brandishing a gun.
The FBI used a flash-bang to create a diversion before going in, and the whole operation was over very quickly. An official stressed that 'seconds make all the difference' in these types of rescues.
Special Agent Bomb Technicians continue to clear the scene and only after their work is done will Evidence Response Teams move into process the scene.
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Saved: The boy, known only as Ethan, is believed to be ok after he was rescued from the bunker by FBI agents
Saved: The boy, known only as Ethan, is believed to be ok after he was rescued from the bunker by FBI agents
Speaking to MailOnline Alabama State Senator Harri Anne Smith said: 'All the family been praying for a peaceful end and we're so blessed that Ethan is home.
'I know there will be a lots of hugs and kisses tonight.'
The senator has been in close contact with the family throughout and said; 'Mom has been incredible she has been so brave and has always known her son would be brought home safe.
'For her there has only ever been one possible outcome.'
The senator who spoke with Ethan's mother shortly before she left to be reunited with her son continued: 'She has been surrounded by people praying and has had a lot of support.
'Her father has been a rock to her and her older son and her sisters.'
Dykes has been holed up in the six by eight foot bunker since Tuesday, when he allegedly got on a school bus and shot and killed driver Charles Poland before snatching Ethan and taking him to the hideaway about four feet underground. Read more:


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